
Hyperspectral Image Data Compression


   人:Bormin Huang(黃柏銘)博士(威斯康星大学空间科学与工程中心Space Science and Engineer Center,近半个世纪以来在光学仪器和高性能遥感数据处理方面做出了巨大贡献,包括人类第一颗环境气象卫星上的辐射仪等)



  讲座摘要:With the advances in modern active and passive sensor technologies with higher spectral and/or spatial resolutions and faster scanning speeds, more powerful airborne and spaceborne instruments are being developed for remote sensing of the atmosphere, oceans, lands of Earth, and other planets. These technologies result in a significant increase in data volume. The increase presents a challenge to satellites with limited access to a growing congested radio frequency spectrum. Data compression techniques provide data reduction for effective downlink and rebroadcast as well as economic archiving. Data communication techniques facilitate robust information transfer over a limited-bandwidth noisy channel. This presentation will focus on the recent advances in hyperspectral imager and ultraspectral sounder data compression.


 讲座人简介:Bormin Huang博士自2003年以来任美国国家海洋和大气管理局和美国宇航局下一代同步气象卫星(GOES-R)超光谱探测仪图像压缩科研项目的负责人,美国国家海洋和气象局(NOAA)和美国宇航局(NASA)多个超光谱图像压缩科研项目的负责人,是美国下一代气象卫星数据压缩的首席科学家。从自2005年以来一直担任国际光学学会(SPIE)卫星数据压缩和通信会议主席,现担任Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing (JSTARS)的副主编。独立编著了Spring出版的Satellite Data Compression(卫星数据压缩)一书。威斯康星大学空间科学与工程中心Space Science and Engineer Center,近半个世纪以来在光学仪器和高性能遥感数据处理方面做出了巨大贡献,包括人类第一颗环境气象卫星上的辐射仪等。